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De.Fi Accelerator, 1 Million DEFI token burn & MORE! – Early March Development Update

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Early March weeks were marked by grand milestones and updates. We are thrilled to share cutting-edge updates and dozens of partnerships with multi-million dollar companies. Our primary goal is to make web3 and Defi landscapes safer for each member of our De.Fi Family. It continues and brings a new level of experience to all De.Fiers. 

De.Fi Accelerator (Launchpad)

We kicked off March with the announcement of De.Fi Accelerator. This brand-new platform in our ecosystem will mark the start of a new era in defi and will be a new achievement that has been made in our history. We are building a pipeline of raises, looking for the best opportunities for De.Fiers to dive through the best projects and fill up their knowledge with new ideas and market opportunities.

We burned 1,000,000 $DEFI tokens

The early part of March saw our strategic burning of DEFI tokens aimed at contributing to long-term growth and enhancing the value proposition for DEFI. This burning wave is just the second out of many. During the next six weeks, we will burn 12,000,000 DEFI tokens in total.

Over 100 projects powering their apps with De.Fi API

Within 4 years of development, we introduced new solutions for the web3 sphere. Cutting-edge Antivirus tool suite that includes the world’s first Crypto Antivirus, Shield, capable of instant identification of on-chain threats, a Portfolio tracker that supports more than 40 chains, 10 networks, 400 protocols, and more features that don’t have any analogs in the whole crypto landscape. In 2023, we started expanding our ecosystem and entered the B2B sector to cover different web3 projects. The lack of interest in the B2B market showed us limitless opportunities, which we began exploring immediately. We were onboarding different projects with our API, gradually increasing their number. We are happy to share that we are close to covering 5% of the entire web3 dApp ecosystem. More than 100 projects are using De.Fi API to provide protection for their community members on a daily basis. It is remarkable that Coingecko was one of the first pioneers of our new feature.

Manta integration

Interest in expanding opportunities for our De.Fi Family members lead us to new integrations. Manta is more than a project, it’s a cutting-edge platform that has over 2 billion dollars in TVL, the fastest growing Layer-2 chain, and the largest multi-modular ZK ecosystem. By teaming up with the Manta Network, we will achieve powering up their ecosystem with our SocialFi & Antivirus technologies. 

New connections and synergies

Starting on the 29th of February and continuing until the 3rd of March, our team visited the huge and most informative event — EthDenver. During four days, we connected with the Founders of Celestia, Aptos, and EigenLayer, builders from Tron and Shima Capital, and other bright Web3 minds. Future synergies and integrations will not take long to arrive.

Our future and development 

Tens of new milestones in our history, new integrations, and pioneering features, but the main idea is always one — protect our De.Fi Family from all imaginable and unimaginable vulnerabilities in the Web3 world. All previous steps are a way to a more innovative and powerful Ecosystem, which will help to handle all needs of De.Fiers. 

De.Fi Accelerator, DEFI tokens burning, and more development in the future will power up the whole Defi sphere and bring new features, that the World has never seen before.

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