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GoPlus Security SecWareX Alternative: De.Fi Shield

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If you have been in the DeFi space for a decent length of time, chances are you would have heard of the crypto scams that occur on an almost daily basis. You may also have started using solutions to guard yourself against these exploits, one of which is GoPlus’ SecWareX tool.

Regardless of whether you are new to the security solutions available for your DeFi assets, or are looking for a GoPlus alternative, this article has you covered.

What is GoPlus Security SecWareX?

SecWareX is a security app made by GoPlus. It lets users link their wallets and receive an evaluation of the risks they’ve encountered while exploring DeFi protocols.

secwarex homepage

SecWareX from GoPlus Security warns users about wallet approval loopholes and other security risks that are typical in the crypto world.

The detection of various risks related to the tokens a user possesses, which could be tied to honeypots and phishing scams, is a key part of SecWareX.

Further, with the help of their wallet permissions feature, users can look over smart contract approvals that they might have given when they deposited their assets into DeFi protocols. It will emphasize those contracts which could possess a heightened risk profile. After reviewing these contracts, people can decide to cancel their access permissions for them. This way, they protect themselves from possible attempts to drain the wallet.

SecWareX also addresses interaction risks that occur during on-chain transactions and analyzes users’ on-chain operating habits to identify potential vulnerabilities. These features position GoPlus as a popular security solution in the blockchain space – ensuring that users can manage and protect their digital assets.

The GoPlus website hosts a clean interface where users can connect their wallets for an aforementioned detailed risk assessment. Moreover, GoPlus has developed specific APIs such as the Token Security API and Approval Security API, which are for developers and end-users to integrate these security features directly into their own applications or crypto wallets, thus allowing users to take advantage of these tools without necessarily having to visit the website.

De.Fi Shield: Premier Alternative to GoPlus Security

defi shield promo image

While GoPlus and SecWareX are trustworthy crypto solutions, many users also turn to De.Fi’s security solutions. Here, we will be covering in greater detail the differences between GoPlus’ SecWareX vs De.Fi Shield, and demonstrating why De.Fi presents the best GoPlus Security alternative.

Right off the bat, De.Fi Shield can be said to be more intuitive than the competition, De.Fi Shield presents users with a single Wallet Health score: a simple indicator of the security status of a user’s wallet – this score accounts for wallet interactions and past transactions, classifying risks by threat level ranging from ‘High Risk’ to ‘Informational’ – this metric helps users quickly gauge how much they are exposed in reality to potential threats without overwhelming them with technical jargon.

defi shield wallet risk analysis


For power users who want to go into the technicals of each risk, they can then toggle on Advanced Mode – this additional function provides more optionality and an intuitive risk assessment compared to SecWareX, enhancing user understanding and responsiveness to threats.

When we compare the De.Fi offering to GoPlus, De.Fi Shield has a more detailed filtering system too. Users can set their security alerts to go off only when specific triggers like risk level, transaction type, or asset type are met. This makes sure that users are notified about the most pertinent details for safeguarding investments.

defi shield features

Additionally, De.Fi Shield works with a bigger variety of blockchain networks. De.Fi Shield can automatically find and show all linked contract and token exposure details from different chains – this is a big improvement from SecWareX where you have to input the chain manually – a step that may prove one too many in urgent situations, for instance, when you accidentally approve a malicious contract and are rushing to stop an ongoing wallet drain.

defi shield available chains

De.Fi Shield’s 14 EVM chains

Aside from the above, De.Fi Shield is also excellent at detecting and explaining different kinds of exploits with accuracy and speed. We don’t just highlight common risks; we also point out less known ones, giving in-depth reports that cover what kind of issue it is, the assets involved, and suggested actions for reducing these risks. This degree of detail goes beyond what a typical SecWareX website alternative would offer – it gives users an all-inclusive understanding of their security situation.

The part that really stands out in De.Fi Shield is its DeFi API functionalities. These automated features work as a strong defense against various security dangers – they are attached to user platforms, offering real-time protection and warnings for a better security framework for all users.

De.Fi Shield is more than an alternative to GoPlus security; it’s a better answer to the requirements of the DeFi community. With an easy usage interface, strong multi-chain support, and deep analytics capabilities, De.Fi Shield makes sure users can handle the complicated investment universe of crypto confidently and safely.

Other De.Fi Security Features

Even after mentioning all the above, the De.Fi SuperApp has yet more to offer.

Specifically, De.Fi goes the extra mile with its comprehensive suite of features designed to ensure user safety and awareness of ongoing exploits. Among these are the Scanner for smart contract audits and the REKT database, the most complete record there is of exploits that have occurred across all time in the crypto industry.

First, the Scanner democratizes smart contract auditing and has been a mainstay feature of the De.Fi SuperApp. It offers users the ability to scan any smart contract with just its address, all in just a few seconds.

mog on ethereum scan

De.Fi Scanner results for MOG on Ethereum

Once a user submits an inquiry, the tool automatically scans the respective contract for vulnerabilities and potential security threats. By automating the detection of possible risks and providing detailed analysis reports, making the auditing process available to anyone and not just to projects that have engaged a professional audit firm, the Scanner helps users make informed decisions before committing funds to any smart contract.

This preemptive evaluation can save users a good deal of money, especially in an environment where new contracts and tokens are frequently launched, often with untested, flawed, or intentionally malicious code.

Users who want to get a quick overview of the security of the market as a whole can also check out our CoinMarketCap of Security page. There’s no faster and more comprehensive way to analyze data on the market as a whole:

defi market security page

De.Fi Market Security Page

For an understanding of how threats in crypto have changed over time, we can visit the De.Fi REKT database. It contains a record of cryptocurrency hacks, scams, and other security breaches starting from 2011 – which is before any of the DeFi apps we use today were launched. This resource has become an authority with regular citations in mainstream media.

rekt database for crypto

Additionally, it is a fantastic reference for those who want to comprehend the risks that exist in the crypto world and gain insights from previous occurrences. The database offers detailed descriptions of how particular exploits were executed, the value of money lost, and responses mounted by the crypto community against these security breaches all with associated block data references. By studying these cases, users of the De.Fi SuperApp can better understand what each type of threat entails, learn how to spot red flags, and avoid similar pitfalls in their crypto dealings.

Users who want to monitor their wallet transaction history for security purposes can also do so using the De.Fi DeFi portfolio dashboard. The Transactions tab allows users to quickly single out any unauthorized transactions, and take the appropriate steps to prevent further asset losses.

defi transaction dashboard

The strength of a security offering in web3 is not just about its individual functions, but how it allows users to conveniently and quickly address potential threats. De.Fi does all of this by integrating all of the above features into a SuperApp, not only empowering users to protect their digital assets but also encouraging them to develop a deeper understanding of the security environment in which their favorite crypto assets exist. This two-pronged approach of combining education with proactive and reactive security solutions positions De.Fi as a leader in cryptocurrency security solutions.

Get Started Today With De.Fi

Embark on your DeFi journey with De.Fi today and take control of your digital assets with peace of mind. As the premier portfolio management tool, De.Fi gives you an all-inclusive dashboard that comes with advanced tracking tools, detailed security characteristics, and wide-ranging educational aids.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a skilled investor or new to the cryptocurrency universe, De.Fi has what it takes to handle, safeguard, and enhance your investments in one place. Step into De.Fi’s community now and change how you engage with web3!

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